Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy


Sr. Jeanne Francoise – Francoise Degrange

of Neuvecelle, Haute Savoie, France

who died at Grand Chêne, Vieugy

on 9th January 2023

         aged 82 years, 62 of Religious Profession

Sr Jeanne Françoise was born on 23 March 1940 in Neuvecelles/Evian, preceded by a sister, Monique, 5 years older than her. Every birth, every new life is first of all the fruit of a love that precedes us, follows us, envelops us: the fruit of God's love. The birth of Jeanne Françoise was therefore desired from all eternity by God who is only Love. On April 7 - 15 days after her birth - Jeanne Françoise was baptized, immersed in the Life of Jesus, perfect image of the Father. "I have carved you on the palm of my hands. You are precious to me and I love you” was what the crucified Jesus who died for her, would have said to her.

She received the sacrament of confirmation in 1953, at the age of 13. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the Father and of Jesus, transforms us little by little, if we accept it; for the Love given, the Love received, can only be free. On 29 June 1958, at the age of 18, Jeanne Françoise responded to this Love by entering the Novitiate. In 1965, at the age of 25, she took her perpetual vows.
During her religious training, she also prepared for the CAP (vocational training certificate) for housekeeping and the CAP for sewing. Everything she did was done to perfection because she was very meticulous. She took her tasks to heart and the results were perfect despite her fear of not doing things right.

It is in the humble tasks of everyday life that she lived her “YES” to Jesus. Paul Verlaine wrote this beautiful sentence: "The humble life of boring and easy work is a work of choice that demands much love. Is this not what the Our Lady, St Joseph and Jesus – throughout his 30 years of hidden life – lived?”

Discreet, delicate, sensitive, attentive, she was always afraid of hurting the sisters in the different communities where she was sent: Thônes, the Mother House (on a number of occasions), Bon Rivage, and Combloux.
Her health problems made her life difficult. She experienced many trials. She drew her strength from faith and prayer. In 2015, she was admitted to Grand Chêne, Vieugy. She spent 7 years living with the same discretion, supported by her humble and trusting prayer. Following a rather severe flu, she fell asleep on the morning of 9 January. No doubt she was welcomed with joy by the long cohort of Sisters of St Joseph who preceded her.
Goodbye Sister Jeanne Françoise. Glory to God the Trinity of Love for your life hidden in Jesus. Now that you have entered the Light, pray that we may know how to transform the grey moments of our days into drops of Faith and Love.