Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy

What a joy to celebrate a combined 240 years of Religious Profession!

                                                  Sr Teresa Anthony, Sr St Joseph, Fr Peter, Sr Paul Gerard, Sr Fidelma
Such was the joyous celebration, in the English Province for our four Diamond Jubilarians, Sister St. Joseph, Sr. Fidelma, Sr. Teresa Anthony and Sr. Paul Gerard who made their First Vows on 3rd September 1964 in Llantarnam Abbey Chapel. The celebrations began in the Porthcawl house which the group, all still in active ministry, had booked so they could spend a few days together as a group. It was so fortunate that Sr. Fidelma, home from Senegal, could join the celebrations. The wet weather didn’t dampen their spirits and there were a great many journeys down memory lane. A good collection of photos helped to jog memories such as this photo which shows the Jubilarians, with a few more companions, as Postulants between 1962/1963

             Clothing followed later in 1963 when the group became Novices followed by First Profession, 60 years ago, in 1964. By the time of the Gold Sr.Sheila had died and in the years before the Diamond Jubilee, Sr Ann Teresa had also died. 

                                  Srs St Joseph, Fidelma, Teresa Anthony, Ann Teresa RIP, Paul Gerard, Sheila RIP
Our four Jubilarians have such a rich wealth of apostolic ministry in teaching and school governance, social work, Parish work, work with the Medaille Trust, African missionary work as well as Formation of young sisters and as Provincial Councillors. What a wonderful contribution to the life of the Church and the Congregation has been made during these 60 years!
On the return of the Jubilarians from Porthcawl, the Chepstow Road community hosted Sunday lunch for them, beautifully prepared by Sr Teresa Krystyna. Sr St Joseph is the Superior and Sr Fidelma is staying with the community while at home from Senegal, for the community celebration. Sr Susan, Provincial, recovering from a recent medical procedure was well enough to join in the celebratory meal. Sr Vianney, General Councillor, had just finished the thirty-day retreat In St Buenos meaning that France, India and Africa were all represented which made it a truly “Congregational” gathering.

                                    Sr St Joseph, Sr Fidelma, Sr Teresa Anthony, Sr Anne Teresa, Sr Paul Gerard
The next celebration took place the following day in Willow House – home to Sr Teresa Anthony and Sr Paul Gerard. The community was joined by Sr St Joseph and Sr Fidelma, the Chepstow Rd Community, Sr Susan and Sr Vianney.
The day began with Mass celebrated by Father Peter McClaren who says Mass for the Sisters in Willow House, each Monday. The Mass began appropriately with the hymn “Here I am Lord”. The reading from Jeremiah 1:4-5 reminded us that it is God who chooses and calls us, as indeed He called the Jubilarians when they were just still teenagers. This theme of God’s loving choice and on-going help was continued in the Responsorial Psalm and the Gospel Reading. This was followed by the Renewal of Vows. In his homily, Fr Peter said how privileged he felt to be part of the celebration of 240 years of faithful service – a service carried out with love, not simply as a duty. There have been both joys and sadness in those years but the heartfelt commitment to God has never wavered and this is a great source of inspiration and joy for us all. The Prayers of Intercession which followed, acknowledged the gratitude of the Jubilarians for their vocation, for the loving support of the Sisters, families and friends over the years, as well as remembering those who had begun the journey with them, in particular Sr Sheila and Sr Ann Teresa, R.I.P. The hymn at Communion, “You and I began our journey” re-echoed this same theme, reminding us that we journey together. The final hymn was the Magnificat, giving thanks to God for the journey.
After Mass, Father Peter joined us for coffee in the community room and everyone spent the morning recalling memories and sharing news. With a great deal of ingenuity and furniture moving, we were all able to sit down together for another delicious meal at lunchtime.

                                                     Sr St Joseph, Sr Fidelma, Sr Teresa Anthony, Sr Paul Gerard
It was a really happy week of celebrations and a time to congratulate and thank our Jubilarians for all their lives of love and dedication. They have crossed one more threshold and we were happy to cross it with them!
Congratulations and Ad Multos Annos!