Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy

A Grace filled Vicennium

 "Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies it remains a single grain but if it dies, it bears much fruit". John 12:24
This verse comes true at a crucial turning point to the mission of the sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy when it was decided to extend its services to the people of EastAfrica. Overcoming fear and resistance to unknown terrain, 20 years ago, three valiant women set out and landed in Dumila - Tanzania.

The pioneers, Sr. Gratia, Sr. Bernadette and Sr. Anne Marie were benevolent and courageous to take up this challenging task to care for the poor and serve the most neglected people of the society. Since then, the work of God continues to spread through the sisters in different communities. Currently, over 30 sisters are serving the marginalized groups of the society and are effectively carrying out the divine work along with the formees at different stages of formation.

On 26th August, 2024, the sisters of St. Joseph in East Africa expressed immense joy and gratitude as we celebrated two decades of growth, togetherness and achieving milestones of service in the mission territory. The commemoration of this glorious day began with a solemn high mass, celebrated by Fr. Matthew, the former Provincial of MSFS (who helped us in establishing when we came) with a melodious singing led by the young professed and candidates. The songs were sung in three different languages namely English, Swahili and Runyankole. The presence of the pioneer sisters along with Fr. Thomas Kochuparambil (the provincial of MSFS when we came) doubled the joy of the celebration.
The pioneers were appreciated and felicitated. The celebration continued with cake cutting, followed by a photoshoot and a delicious meal. Post the celebration, the sisters dispersed to their communities with love and laughter.

It was truly a memorable day and a remarkable event in the history of mission territory. A day of great jubilation for all the sisters and candidates who attended the event. The sisters hope to continue to spread the love of God far and wide in the mission territory.