Soeurs de Saint Joseph d'Annecy

News   from   India






My soul glorifies the Lord for He has done great things for me”

                               At the very outset let me commence with these sentiments “what I am, is God’s gift to me and what I become is my gift to God” (St. Augustine)


It is a day of gladness and joy for all of us - especially for the eleven of us celebrating our Diamond Jubilee and our dear Sr. Casimir who celebrates the Golden Jubilee of Religious Profession.

As we look back on this day, to the paths that we have walked since our First Commitment, we find God’s loving footprints along with that of our own. We know the paths we walked were uncertain and that the end wasn’t sure but, we were sure that the Lord was with us in the most loving form of each one of you. The presence of many of our Sisters, dear ones, friends and well wishers adds colour and joy to the celebration.

We celebrate our vocation, our call and life of service; above all we celebrate God’s faithfulness and mercy which has been the anchor of our religious life. God did not see our ability but our availability to fulfill a role for His Kingdom. Our deep faith has enabled us to live our “yes” in a variety of roles which we fulfilled with dedication and responsibility.

We express our unending gratitude to the Lord Almighty especially for the unique call to work in His vineyard. Numberless are the gifts that He has showered upon us all throughout the past 50/60 years.

Diamond Jubilee                                                                             Golden Jubilee

Sr. Marie Claire           Sr. Philipa         Sr. Xavier                        Sr. Casimir

Sr. Celine                     Sr. Basil             Sr.St. Roch

Sr. Rose Mary             Sr. Gerard         Sr. Amelia

Sr. Raphael                 Sr. Priscilla        

Apostolic Exposure – Pre- Novices


We the Pre-Novices of Visakhapatnam Province along with Sr. Bhagya Mary went to Yesupuram Parish on 14th October for the Village Exposure for ten days. We are grateful to Rev. Sr. Vianney and her team for giving us this opportunity. The Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Prem Kumar and the people of the village gave us a warm welcome. There are 45 old Catholic families in this small Parish. They were very kind and provided everything that we needed. In spite of their nothingness they gave us “the best”. This experience made us believe in the providence God and in turn to give our best to the Lord.

During the daywe visited the families. We divided ourselves into small groups in order to make our work effective and faster. As it was October, the month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, we conducted Rosary and special Prayer services every evening. It was very edifying to see how the people joined us in these services with enthusiasms and fervour.

Morning hours were spent in teaching Catechism classes to the children and the adults. We were told that many marriages had not taken place in the Church, so we earnestly went about taking the survey of those families concerned and spent most of the time instructing them regarding the Sacrament of Marriage. On October 23rd, around 10 couples received the Sacrament of Marriage and many children received Jesus for the first time in their hearts. It was truly a day of gladness and joy at Yesupuram.

Sr. Bhagya Mary and Pre-Novices





Accueil des pré-novices






Le 25 janvier 2017, 3 Candidates, Teresa, Mounika et Bernadette ont été accueillies au pré-noviciat du Home St Joseph. La cérémonie a été précédée de 2 jours de récollection animés par Sr Gérard. La célébration a débuté à la chapelle par une prière conduite par la maîtresse des pré-novices, Sr Sujatha. Sr Vianney, Supérieure Provinciale, a accueilli les 3 Candidates symboliquement avec une flamme pour chacune. Elles ont reçu les textes de la Congrégation qui sont étudiés au pré-noviciat. Sr Vianney leur a expliqué l’importance de cette étape dans la formation. De nombreuses Sœurs des Communautés voisines sont venues pour la célébration qui a été suivie d’un goûter succulent.

Profession temporaire 2017


« Plongée dans la contemplation, agir avec compassion »

Le samedi 7 janvier 2017, la Province de Visakhapatnam se prépare à accueillir 6 novices. Partout règne une joie contagieuse. L’église est ornée de fleurs fraîches et de délicates décorations. Parents des nouvelles professes, prêtres, Sœurs, amis et connaissances arrivent nombreux, vers 10 h. 30. A 11 heures commence l’Eucharistie. 25 prêtres concélèbrent avec le Père Thomas Perumalil MSFS, animateur de la retraite des novices. A l’homélie, il leur explique le sens d’une vie consacrée à Dieu et au prochain. Il les exhorte à être enracinées en Dieu et à imiter sa miséricorde et sa compassion, thème de la retraite : « Plongée dans la contemplation, agir avec compassion ».

Sr Marietta, Conseillère Générale, reçoit les vœux des jeunes Sœurs et les accueille dans la Congrégation. Les nouvelles professes reçoivent leur nom de religion : Sr Dhanya, Sr Geetha, Sr Hemalatha, Sr Mary Santhi, Sr Saritha et Sr Mary Sandhya. La liturgie animée par la chorale du Nursing Home est priante. L’une des nouvelles Professes exprime la gratitude du groupe à Sr Marie Vianney, aux maîtresses des novices, Sr Deepa et Sr Margaret Mary, ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes venues partager leur joie. Un somptueux repas termine la célébration.