Soeurs de Saint Joseph d'Annecy

Report on exposure program by the juniors in vizag Province.

We the second year Juniors Sr. Mariyaratnam, Sr. Anjali Jose, Sr. Premlatha, Sr. Ankitha, Sr. Bilasini, Sr. Sweta Nirupama and Sr. Manasa, attending the juniorate program in Bangalore like to share our exposure program experience as we have travelled with BOSCO (Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota). we came in touch with the realities of the children and the youth: the abandoned, the children who run way, the drug addicts, rag pickers. We have experienced the pain and the loneliness of these by giving our time and ears to listen to them and we encouraged them.
In this modern world, we see each individual is busy in their own world, especially with the gadgets. Yes, we have no time to listen and console or take care of the people who are next to us. It’s a high time for us, to raise a question in our hearts “Why the children and the youth are away from their families and homelands?” As we were with BOSCO for 8 days of exposure, we understood that children are away from their families, due to poverty, illness of their parents, bad friendships, lack of interest in the studies and social media influence. After stepping out of their houses some are used for child labor, human trafficking, child abuse, begging and are being misused in many ways. We have seen the BOSCO staff who are very vigilant in rescuing the minors, not for the sake of salary, but we saw each individual genuineness and responsibility.
After rescuing the children and the young, the members of the BOSCO are guiding and helping them to understand what the real life is. This brings lot of change in them, their behavior and attitudes, they become responsible and disciplined, not only the children but also the parents are given the guidelines and awareness about children and their upbringing.
We are introduced to 10 centers, which are different branches of BOSCO. We had our first experience in BOSCO Yuvodaya, where the information about the mission of BOSCO is introduced. It is a transit house where the children remain for short period.
We also have visited Bosco mane, BOSCO Yuvakendra, where the children are given the opportunity to continue their schooling. There is also BOSCO skill training center in Sumanahalli where the young boys are given the chance to get trained in mechanical work, carpentry, electrical work, welding, bakery which helps them to earn their livelihood for their better future. There are also centers for the girl children like BOSCO vathsalya bhavan and BOSCO rainbow house, were they are given the care protection and education and their basic needs are met. There is another center BOSCO Nivas and BOSCO Nilaya from where they go for field work to rescue the children. They conduct various activities such as helping the poor, and giving awareness in the society. Most of the times we find the minors in the bus stop and railway stations were we went for the field work.
In this way the BOSCO takes up the challenging and the tough mission carried by SDB priests to give life to the children and the young as their motto. Spending our time with BOSCO we find ourselves new and began to look at things in a different way. Yes after this experience there is also a kind of satisfaction which motivated and inspired to strengthen our aim higher [Maxim-1]. This is what as sisters of St. Joseph we are called, “to cross the threshold and embrace the new” by reaching out to the poor and the most neglected as the wish of our founder Fr. Medaille.
As the daughters of St. Joseph we all know about him who is silent, hardworking. fatherly, courageous, self-giving above all a man of faith in God. Yes we can be the women of faith to the people whom we come in contact by our way of living, our actions, thoughts and words. As it is said action speaks louder than words.
We can be the woman of spiritual mothers to all the children in our mission, being available and showing love and affection, care as real mother could give to the child. We can be the woman of courage when the injustice is done to the poor, abandoned, downtrodden, neglected, standing for justice with courage.
We can be the woman of faith by teaching them the values, encouraging them to grow in the love of God and neighbor.
We can be the woman giving not receiving such as giving ones talents, time, energy, in all the ways we are able without expecting reward.
Like “When we sow a seed in the soil, it dies to itself and shoots up with new life to be a plant. We nurture it by adding water, manuring, giving maximum care, seeing the nature as the creation of God, and then the plant grows in to a large tree after sometime. The benefits of the tree are: flowers, fruits and medicinal leaves. They do not enjoy anything for itself, rather for the others, such is the creation of our God”.
We take this opportunity to thank the Almighty god for giving us the chance to collaborate. We also extend our gratitude to Rev. Sr. Rose our provincial superior, and our mistress Sr. Deepa for guiding us always and being one with us in all that we do.