Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy

 Sr. Denise SJA
19-03-1945 To 22-09-2024

Maxim 74 from the Maxims of our Founder Fr. Medaille reads “Obey Promptly, cheerfully and simply without allowing, if possible, the slightest thought of repugnance or refusal, without placing a single word between the command and its accomplishment, unless there is evident sin involved.” are the words resounding in this church, in our province and in the hearts and minds of everyone who have known and lived with our very beloved Sr. Denise. This Maxim was her whole life, that is to say, she was a living embodiment of the very crux of the ‘Religious Vocation’ and above all of the ‘Trinitarian Spirituality’ which is the Patrimony of the Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy.

Sr Denise was born to parents: Sornapudi Appalaswami and Sornapudi Chellayamma, into a family of two boys and four girls, on 19th March, 1945 at Simhachalam, in Visakhapatnam.
Sister was brought up by her uncle in Gnanapuram. She received her Christian formation from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Annecy during her schooling at S. Kota,wherein she was conferred with her Christian Maiden Name of Sornapudi Maria. Sister pursued her teacher’s training at Queen Mary’s training School, Visakhapatnam; PUC at AVN College, Degree in Waltair and B. Ed in Vizanagaram.

Sr. Denise entered the Novitiate on January 21st, 1967 and made her First Profession on June 5th, 1969 and Final Profession on January 6th, 1975. Despite her parents being Hindus and her siblings still practicing Hinduism, Sr. Denise received a special grace, a call to be a Christian and then a Vocation to be a Religious, which indicates that Sr. Denise’s vocation is a pure gift of God.

Sr. Denise worked as a teacher and Headmistress in the following schools: S. Kota, Salur, Araku, R.C Primary School Waltair, Kakinada, Parvathipuram, Cathedral School and Prathipadu. Besides being Headmistress, she also rendered her services as an animator of community and Boarding in - charge. She spent all her time and energy in the Educational Ministries of the Congregation, dealing with both secular and religious education, of children and youth. Sister was ever willing and enthusiastic to live Jesus and give Jesus through her pastoral activities. Sr. Denise also had a special place for the poor and the less privileged in her heart. She always left an indelible impression upon everyone. She had her own unique way of inspiring and influencing the lives of those whom she encountered during her 79 precious years of life journey.

Sister possessed a very simple and unassuming personality, full of spirit, active and energetic in God’s Vineyard, tirelessly sharing God’s love to everyone. Her active involvement in the mission of the Community, Catechesis, preparing people for baptism, meeting people and visiting families were truly adorable and commendable. Thus, she completed her 55 years of religious profession successfully in the sight of her God Almighty, radiating fragrance of God’s love and mercy.

Even when Sister was diagnosed with a series of serious health issues, one after the other, in the last three years of her life, Sister accepted each of them with complete resignation, and surrendered to everything in love and endurance. We would never once hear any word of complaint or discomfort from her. Instead, Sister always welcomed us with a smile whenever we paid a visit to her and used to enquire about our well-being. Sister taught us to be cheerful givers always, in spite of our challenging situations. All of this speaks aloud of her tremendous faith in the unconditional love, generous mercy and loving providence of Abba Father.

So, Sr. Denise can now affirm assertively in the words of St Paul, from second letter to Timothy, chapter 4, verse 7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” on 22nd of September 2024, a Sunday – The Lord’s Day, Sr Denise consumed the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, after which She told everyone who assisted her, served her and visited her, that She was ready to go and She was going soon, while repeating the name of Jesus intermittently. It was a clear sign that Sr. could hear the gentle voice of her spouse calling her. Gradually and eventually, She breathed her last, very peacefully at 10.30 am. We take this opportunity as a family to thank you wholeheartedly dear Sr Denise for leaving behind such a rich legacy.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace!
Sisters of ST. Joseph of Annecy
Visakhapatnam Province