Sisters of Saint Joseph of Annecy


We, Junior sisters, Srs. Gaudensia, Sylivia, Angera and Filomena from the East African Mission, accompanied by Sr.Patricia, are very grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to have our village exposure at the Parish of “Our Lady conceived without original sin” – Haubi , in Kondoa Diocese.

We are grateful to our authority, our Superior General and our Mission Leader for arranging this programme for three weeks.

The pastoral experience was very good and people were so happy with our presence and our apostolate. We had opportunity to teach Catechism to the children. Everyday about 200 children came for catechism classes. We went also to the sub-stations for Masses, there we had the opportunity to speak to the people and we visited families. People were happy and open to share their family struggles with us. We prayed with them. They were comforted and consoled by our prayers and presence.

This programme really deepened our faith and our trust in God and it increased our love for the poor and needy. It gave us the opportunity to experience and understand the sufferings and struggles of people, they go through in their lives.

It enriched our spiritual life. It helped us to increase our capacity of listening and be good listeners. It had become a great support of living our commitment and be committed and responsible people and to live a simple life. It helped us to work zealously for the glory of God and for the salvation of His people. Also we learned from the people of the place to be strong in faith even if we face oppositions, and share the little we have. Also to be generous and cheerful people in all circumstances of life.

Once again we thank you for the good opportunity given to us to deepen our commitment to the Lord. Thank you Sisters.