Soeurs de Saint Joseph d'Annecy

Navigating Foreign Lands

Navigating Foreign Lands: Society, Language and Culture Interface was the theme of A Six Day International Webinar conducted in St.Joseph’s College for Women (A), Visakhapatnam by the Department of English.

       In order to inculcate respect and to create a bond with different cultures, society and language, the Department of English provided a platform to the students of Literature through A Six Day Webinar.

            As part of the integration and exposure to diversification of culture, six guest speakers Mr. Katemi Ezekiel from Africa, Sr. Anila SJA and Sr. Claude SJA from Switzerland, Fr. Amar MSFS from Germany, Ms. Vicky Anne Hale from America, Ms. Siana Gordon from U.A.E (United Arab Emirates) and Mr. Edward Vinod from Australia were invited to enunciate the culture, language, traditions, customs and educational opportunities available in that particular country.

The webinar was conducted from 5th Oct. to 10th Oct.2020 and around hundred and twenty students and the staff attended the webinar. The unique presentation of each speaker about their country and culture evoked a sense of nostalgia among the participants. It was an unexplainable experience that brought about a fellowship, unity in diversity among the students and the staff. Above all the disclosure of the varieties of cultures achieved its purpose of creating oneness.