"Glory to you, Father, Alleluia! Glory to you, Son, Alleluia! Glory to you, Spirit, Alleluia!" On August, 1st, 2015, Sister Astrid and Sister Viviane made their final profession, in the Parish of Saint Charles-Lwanga of Pendiènou-Léhar (in the Diocese of Thès) “Be nothing for yourself but all for God and the dear neighbour” Maxim 39 The festivities began with a vigil of prayer in the parish. Many people, especially the young, were present. Sister Viviane had the chance of making her profession in the parish where she grew up. Also, before the ceremony, she went through a traditional custom (‘sérère Lala’), symbolised by the wearing of many necklaces. This tradition signifies the fertility of the woman who is going to marry or who is to be consecrated to God. After this 10 to 15 minute ceremony, the Sisters were conducted to the Church to the sound of the beating of tom-toms, songs and dances. 10 o’clock: a solemn moment for us. We entered the Church in procession.
We had the joy of having, as celebrant, Monsignor André Gueye, Bishop of Thiès, who, during his homily, reminded us in simple terms, of the meaning of Consecrated life and especially of permanent commitment, and of how, each day, we must renew our “yes”. After a beautiful, dignified and prayerful ceremony, we gathered in the school courtyard to share a festive and fraternal meal. It was a day of joy, of meeting together and of thanksgiving. Yes, Lord, how beautiful are your works! We would like to express our gratitude to our Superior General, Sister Pauline, represented by Sister Amala, to our Superiors, to the Priests and friends who gave of their time to be present with us on this day. Thank you to each and everyone. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.